Contact Us
Read this disclaimer first:
Do not use this email to report a crime. To report a crime, call the Department of Emergency Communications at 804 646-5100. If it is an emergency, call 911.
RVA311 launched on June 15.
In order to ensure that your request is received by the City of Richmond for review and remedy, please visit
to enter
your service request or search our FAQs.
By entering your service request via the RVA311 tool you will have the ability to receive update notifications and track the progress of your request.
Thank you.
-City of Richmond
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Your feedback will help us make a reliable, functional resource for residents like you.
If you are having technical problems with the website, like missing headers or empty pages, fill out this form so we can fix it.
While we want to make this site as functional as possible, this form is only for technical problems with the site, not content requests.
Thank you for understanding and helping us make this a helpful website for Richmond.
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