City of Richmond Real Estate Search Program
This utility allows a person to interactively search the City of Richmond real property
database on criteria such as Parcel ID, Address, Land Value, Consideration Amount etc. The
results of a successful search will provide the user with information including
assessment details, land data, service information, planning and governmental specifics
about the property. Search results may be exported to a PDF, an Excel Spreadsheet
or a Word Document.
The Search list on the left side of this page can be used based on various search
topics you need:
- Search by Parcel ID - Parcel ID (also known as Parcel Number or Map Reference
Number) used to indentify individual properties in the City of Richmond
- Search by Owner Name - As of December 12, 2017, this search has been removed for safety concerns.
Please contact the Office of the Assessor of Real Estate with any questions or concerns.
- Search by Property Address - Search property based on street address
- Search by Other Information
- Search by Parcel Data – List of search criteria fields such as Property Class,
Except Code, Land area, Land Value, Land use(Residential, Multifamily, Commercial
- Search by Location – Search property based on one of the search fields such
as Street Address, Zip, Assessment Neighborhood, Census Tract.
- Search by Transfer Information - Search fields such as Transfer Date, Consideration
- Search by Improvements – Search Fields such as Improvement Value, Year Built,
Number of Units, Finished Area, Attic or Basement
If you have difficulty in accessing any data, you may contact our customer service
group by calling (804) 646-7500.